Club Information

Age Manager and Assistant Age Manager information

Track event information

Field event information


QLAC has a proud history of encouraging Little Athletes to great achievements, including competing in world youth games.

It is an incorporated association, ABN 53934219109, NSW Association number Y1099419.

QLAC regular competition is conducted on Saturday mornings throughout the season. Meets and other events are listed in event calendar on the  bottom right of our web pages.

Families need to arrive by 8.00am to help with set up, and competition commences at 8.30am (or as soon as the ground is set up, which may be earlier than 8.30am) for all athletes in the u6-u17 age groups. Our aim is to have all events completed as close as possible to 11am. However, this depends on the number of athletes competing and the assistance we receive from parents.

Athletes compete in all events over a 3-week period. Each week is divided into Track and Field events to balance the running of the competition.

The complete listing of all events is available via the Events section of the website.

Note: the program may change depending on the weather conditions and the state of the track, as events such as high jump and hurdles cannot take place if the grass is too wet or slippery.

If it is raining on the morning, please check our Facebook page to see if the meet is cancelled. We also try to SMS members. If a competition meet is cancelled, the competition program for that week will be used on the next week of competition.

As much as possible, athletes will compete in their own age group. With the approval of the Program Manager, age groups may be mixed as well as combining boys and girls.